Finding Materials Approved for Use on Organic Farms & Processing Facilities

The National List is the final arbiter of what substances may be allowed in organic crop, livestock, or processing operations. The current version of the National List may be viewed on the website of the National Organic Program. However, there are several resources that growers, livestock producers and processors may use as guidance documents in determining if a product is approved for use in organic production.

Finding Approved Materials

OMRI Listed Products: OMRI maintains lists of generic and brand name materials that are approved for use in organic operations. Use this link to search for input materials allowed for use. Hardcopies of the OMRI Generic Materials List may be purchased from Baystate for $20.00. Please email us at to order a copy, or call or send a letter to our main office.

Baystate List of Approved Materials from Regional Compost & Input Suppliers: Baystate Local Product List 2025.

Allowed Mulches (including Biodegradable Mulch)

Salt and Preservatives

Cleaners and Sanitizers