Baystate Organic Certifiers accepts hemp crop and handling applications, but please note that certification will require compliance with state requirements for licensing. Where the Farm Bill legalizes hemp, it also sketches out a regulatory framework in new Subtitle G to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. § 1621 et seq.). Producers should be aware that the farm bill implementation by the USDA may result in additional regulations for hemp production beyond already stated requirements for state permits and testing for THC levels. Producers interested in hemp production should contact Eric Hanson or Don Franczyk with questions about certifying hemp.
Final Rule for the Domestic Production of Hemp (posted Jan. 15, 2021)
Key provisions of the final rule regarding hemp production in the United States include licensing requirements; recordkeeping requirements for maintaining information about the land where hemp is produced; procedures for testing the THC concentration levels for hemp; procedures for disposing of non-compliant plants; compliance provisions; and procedures for handling violations.
For further information about the provisions within the final rule, visit the Hemp Production web page on the Agricultural Marketing Service website.
Instruction on Organic Certification of Industrial Hemp
The National Organic Program updated NOP 2040: Instruction on Organic Certification of Industrial Hemp. The updated instruction applies to all USDA-accredited certifying agents and replaces the August 2016 version of NOP 2040. The revised policy allows hemp produced in the United States under the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program to be certified as organic under the USDA organic regulations.USDA accredited certifiers and farms should direct questions about the status of their State or Tribal hemp program to State and Tribal officials. For imported hemp, existing regulations and guidelines continue to govern whether products may be certified as organic.
For updated guidance from the FDA regarding allowed CBD oil use: HERE.
Pesticide Products Registered for Use on Hemp (EPA)
Check that the products are registered or licensed in the state you are growing hemp in prior to any use.
Allowed with Restrictions: Biopesticides
- Agro Logistic Systems, Inc. Debug Turbo, Debug Optimo, Debug Tres, Debug-On – Allowed with Restrictions (Prevention must be used first, OMRI listed)
- Marrone Bio Innovations, D/B/A Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. Regalia Biofungicide Concentrate – Allowed with Restrictions (Prevention must be used first, OMRI listed)