Transplant Paper Pots / Paper Chain Pots

Update to BOC Policy on Paper Pot Transplanting

The National Organic Program (NOP) has issued an update regarding the use of paper chain transplanting pots (or paper pots) on organic farms. Although they contain synthetic ingredients that are not included on the National List, the NOP will allow certifiers like us to approve the use of paper pots in Organic Systems Plans for an undetermined period of time.

Paper pots have been formally petitioned to the National Organic Standards Board to be an allowed material in crop production. Until a rule has been made, paper pot transplanters, such as the systems sold by Johnny’s Selected Seeds, Paperpot Co., Small Farm Works, and High Mowing Organic Seeds, will be allowed for use in organic fields. If you have any questions about whether a paper or fiber pot is allowed, please contact Baystate for an approval decision.